Meet the team: Mark Friedler (Advisor)
With years of experience in the startup industry, building companies from the ground up, Mark Friedler joined Vertex to build this project up with the team. Apart from his work as a start-up CEO with 3 successful exits in deals with Verizon Wireless, Time Warner AOL and Eurogamer, Mark is an avid cryptocurrency enthusiast, investor and trusted advisor in the space. Based in Silicon Valley, Mark brings all the experience necessary to make Vertex a huge success.
Mark has been involved in projects like Swarm Fund, which aims to bring crypto asset investment to everyone. Swarm Fund is also working on asset backed tokens. Mark is also an advisor with Net Zero Enterprises, which aims to support environmentally sound projects. Mark is now bringing his passion for everything blockchain, as well as his experience to Vertex.
Mark will be focusing on enhancing Vertex’s qualities as the first OTC token aftermarket in the space, providing expertise in marketing, product development and other components that are critical to the success of the platform.
All our team here at Vertex will benefit greatly from Mark’s contribution and his experience as a high-tech executive and a start-up expert. We are confident that we will be able to take Vertex to new highs together with Mark Friedler in our team.
Learn more about the team here: